Essay Articles

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• A synthetic theory of the human circumstance

The partial focus of language and ideology:

Mesology and ontology
Mesology is a philosophical perspective that attempts to move beyond the dualisms and reductionisms of the western paradigm that are causing ecological collapse. Its main contributions are the identification of an alternative logical system of Ancient India and the introduction of new concepts which reconcile and sublate classic oppositional pairs in philosophy (subject-object , being-becoming, etc.)

Middle Way Philosophy:

Cognitive linguistics: (1) Conceptual metaphor

• Semantic transposition as a central device for semogenesis in language
• Metaphors we live by 
• Beyond left and right: Laterality and verticality in the political imagination
• Society is a play" mapping and the tyranny of abstract fictions
• Meaningful creatures: the tragedy of the language of dogmatism

Cognitive linguistics: (3) Ideology and ideological systems

• Where are ideologies located ?
• The conviction of an independent reality: Authority and coloniality of Western culture
• Language and the composition of social reality
• Mathematical stories-we-live-by: the capitalist utopia within neoclassical economics' algebra

Ecolinguistics: (1) The basics

• What is ecolinguistics?
On Ecolinguistics:
• Part I
• Part II
• Review of Arran Stibbe's Ecolinguistics (2015): Beyond the stories-we-live-by

Ecolinguistics: (2) Case studies of (environmental) conceptual frame theory 

• "Humans" are destroying Earth...Really?
• A bit of theory: Mass nouns and mechanisms of erasure
• Questioning the "exploitation of natural resources"
• Beyond Anthropocentrism: Reciprocity with Nature
No one to blame? Ways of erasing responsability for environmental issues:

Framing for care and engagement:
• Part I: Defending Life on Earth
• Part II: What is a frame?

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Semantic transposition as a central device for semogenesis in language